Article Writers
Articles: Aziraphale, Crowley
Other contributions: Further organised and categorised the master list of articles.
Spends her time getting distracted by shiny things. Enjoys wearing hats, and covering her walls with anything that will stay still long enough to be blue-tacked.
Articles: Death
Enjoys surfing, getting caught in the rain, and reading into the night, and can pat her head and rub her tummy at the same time.
Articles: Kraken
Spends most of her time pretending to be a demon and/or the antichrist as it’s far more entertaining than office work.
Articles: Gabriel, Moët & Chandon
A generally anti-social human that prefers the company of books despite her schooling in Anthropology. When not asleep or having an affair with a book and a Dr. Pepper, she’s out at work up to her elbows in corpses. (No, really.)
Other contributions: Moderated the original writers’ group, compiled the master list of articles.
Other contributions: Categorised the master list of articles.
Prefers her books in hardcover, even though they’re frightfully expensive and much too heavy that way. Her favorite thing in the world is making you laugh (yes, you).
Articles: Aziraphale’s Bookshop in Soho, The Bentley
Proud of being the only contributor with a non-ASCII character in his name. Spends his time proving various corollaries to already-discovered mathematical theorems, jotting down sports results in the couch, and reading in the bath.
Articles: Dick Turpin, Lower Tadfield
Works in hospice and thinks death has more to do with “Don’t Fear the Reaper” than a depressing funeral dirge.
Articles: Beethoven, Blue Öyster Cult (album), Elgar, Freddie Mercury, Queen, The Velvet Underground
Other contributions: Moderated the original writers’ group.
Kristy Griffin
Articles: Diana of the Ephesians
Can often be found with her nose in a book or a cup of tea.
Articles: Beelzebub, Crowley’s Flat in Mayfair, Crowley’s Houseplants, Johnny Two Bones, Mr Young
Other contributions: Founder & project maintainer, designed & built the website, moderated the original writers’ group.
A bibliophile who enjoys drinking wine with her BFF and is contemplating buying a Bentley.
Articles: Adam Young, Agnes Nutter, Bruce Lee, Dagon, Hastur, Lee Van Cleef, Ligur
Is a fifteen-year-old Scot who reads faster than books are published. Will read dictionaries if no stories are around.
Articles: Edinburgh
Other contributions: Our official grammar and spelling nitpicker.
Suffers from obsessive-compulsive book collecting that would put Aziraphale to shame.
Articles: Brother Francis, Nanny Ashtoreth
Other contributions: Coded HTML and various scripts for the original website.
Has a copy of the New Testament in the original Greek on her shelves, partially as a relic of her college days and partially because you can never tell when you might need something like that.
Articles: Pollution, Famine, War
Articles: Ronald P. Tyler, Warlock Dowling
This girl is usually hiding away from her homework and other projects, under her nice comfy duvet. And she loves trash TV.
Other contributions: Moderated the original writers’ group.
Spends all his time with a pencil glued to his fingertips, and tends to let his imagination out on a loose lead.
Illustrations: Crowley, Famine
Illustrations: Adam Young, Anathema Device, Aziraphale, Beelzebub, Crowley, Death, Madame Tracy, Metatron, Newton Pulsifer, Pepper, Pollution, Shadwell, War
The other Linn
Tends to say “apropos of nothing” a lot, and is probably the one that left the paint stain on your stuff.
Illustrations: Adam Young, Aziraphale, Death, Famine, Gabriel, Pollution, War
Other contributions: Drew two of the header images.
Illustrations: Anathema Device
Other contributions: Drew one of the header images.
Other contributions: Drew one of the header images.